
The first Interlaken library began in 1902, when the village elected to form a library association to be incorporated by Regents in order to get State Aid. Funds were solicited to buy books, chairs, tables and shelving. The Farmer Public Library was opened to the public on July 22, 1902. The books were shelved in a closet of dentist Dr. Alfred Slocum’s waiting room. For many years the library was kept solvent by ice cream socials, musicals, annual tag days and contributions from the Village of Interlaken and The Town of Covert.

The Hinman Memorial Library building is the oldest residence in Interlaken. Built in 1826 by Lockwood Hinman for his wife and family, the building houses the Interlaken Public Library. In 1925, Mr. Louis S. Hinman, grandson of Lockwood Hinman, purchased the old home, restored the exterior practically to its original plan, rebuilt the fine old white fence and presented the property to the Village of Interlaken, to be used as a library building in memory of Lockwood Hinman, his wife and family. The gift was accepted by the voters of Interlaken and rebuilding of the interior was placed in the hands of the Board of Trustees of the Interlaken Free Library. Another former resident to the library left a legacy of $20,000 to the library in 1940.

In 2009, the Children’s Room addition was added after a successful fundraising effort by the Board of Trustees and Patricia Moore who had been the librarian for many years at that time. This addition provided a much needed area for our young readers and storytime hour.